Politics in the Snow
Fridays are usually a day of low productivity for me. My workplace usually closes up shop around noon, and I generally head down to Paoli to put in a few hours at my dad's shop. Today I'm positively dragging ass, mainly since I was in Milwaukee last night to catch the Drive-by Truckers at the Pabst. More to come on that later. But I do have a lot to post about. Over the last couple weeks I've been fairly busy. Here's one of the interesting things I've done lately:
Two weeks ago the political spotlight was on Wisconsin, as our primary elections came around. As a result, there were suddenly candidates criss-crossing the state. I ventured out one cold Tuesday night to see Barack Obama at the Kohl Center in Madison. I met up with M. Haak, who still apparently has my Tragically Hip CD. We hit up the west-side Tex Tubb's and made our way downtown. It was packed, and the Kohl Center was standing room only. We stood around waiting for about an hour and a half, with music playing on the PA and a few warm-up speeches from campaign staffers. After seeing the Will.I.Am video on the scoreboard screens, Governor Jim Doyle came out and introduced Obama. The place went nuts. Cameras flashes were ubiquitous, and I added my own contribution, resulting in these pictures. Obama gave a fairly typical (from what I've seen on the news) stump speech, coupled with a defacto victory speech for the Potomac Primaries (VA, MD & D.C.). His speech clocked in around thirty or forty minutes, but he is an unbelievably gifted speaker so the time seemed to really fly by. I had come with the intentions of passively listening to his positions with the pretense of being undecided, but toward the end I was enraptured and cheering along with the crowd. I was highly impressed. I try to keep knowledgable on current events and politics, so I like to think my BS detector is well-tuned. In that setting, however, I was swept along with the emotion and enthusiasm of the crowd. Regardless, I've come back down to Earth and can look back on the experience (somewhat) rationally: I was able to see a Presidential candidate speak in a live setting, and it's something that everyone should take an opportunity to do at least once.

Pretty cool. I wish I could've gone, but I was-- you guessed it-- at work!
I bet that was an interesting experience. Our primaries are next week, but I doubt we will be having any candidates to visit.
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