Greetings from Fergus Falls, MN

This will have to be real fast, since I'm due to be at a tower site in a little over an hour. But here I am, in Fergus Falls, MN. This marks the second trip where I have taken the laptop on the road, mainly to check the work email while I'm out. Unfortunately our internet email server at work doesn't seem to be working. So it goes.
After my adventure today, I get to drive up to the Upper Peninsula for a couple of other sites tomorrow. Hurray for that. The good news is that I gave the Saturn a wash last night so it would look just a bit less salt-encrusted for the pictures.
Glad the Saturn is all shined up for the photo op!
The Saturn was looking especially well, but I was in a rush and I didn't get the shot that I wanted. I was going to park it back near the tower site, but instead all I got was a photo of it in the driveway. I'm going to post it, though.
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